Monday, October 7, 2013

Migraine Headaches

I am one of those fortunate people that suffer from the king of all headaches, a migraine!!! Like my mother, I had migraine pain early in childhood. For me, the headaches started at the age of 12. The migraine headaches were so bad, my skull felt as though someone was hitting me with a hatchet, over and over again, for a period of a few days. The best part is you can never relax. The feeling of getting struck about the head and throwing up, pretty much prevents any chance of trying to relax to relieve the headache. If it wasn't bad enough having a pounding headache, you are at a higher risk for heart attack or stroke. The more headaches you get, the higher the risk. If you are one of the 18% of women or 6% of men who suffer from Migraine headaches, read on...

What causes a migraine headache? A chemical imbalance (even though there is no test for this) in the brain is what causes a migraine. The two chemicals that are responsible are: serotonin and dopamine. The theory is that the amounts of these chemicals change drastically causing the immune system to over react. The sudden change causes the blood vessels in the brain to open suddenly, then constrict suddenly. This in turn excites the nerve impulses in the brain. This is what causes the characteristic throbbing migraine headache pain. No one really knows what triggers these chemicals in the brain to go out of balance. We do know what factors contribute to them. Certain processed foods, chocolate, stress, eye strain and poor diet are some of the common factors that play a role in what causes migraine headaches. In general most migraine headaches have three distinct phases. The aura is the first warning sign that a migraine is headed your way. The aura is a visual disturbance. Common types of aura are: flashing crystal patterns, black spots, streaking or flashing lights. The second phase is nausea and vomiting. The third phase is the classic throbbing headache, which may last for hours or days.

In the 1980s the medication that was used to treat migraine headaches often made you very dopey, like Fiorinal and Topamate. Back then, doctors did not know what causes migraines and how to treat them. The best practice back then was to sleep off a migraine with the narcotics the doctors prescribed. Out of all the medications that I have used to treat migraine headaches, not one worked without producing some horrid side effect. Now a days there are better medications like Imitrex . Imitrex doesn't make the user dopey or unable to function. Imitrex stops the rapid contraction and expansion of the blood vessels in the brain. Imitrex only treats the headache as it occurs and doesn't prevent the headaches from happening, only Cannabis can. Common medications that are used to treat migraine headaches today are: Beta-blocking drugs, anti-depressant and anti-seizure drugs, and they all have a long list of dangerous side effects !!! In society, we have been conditioned to believe every medication has an acceptable side affect.

Migraine Symptoms
Cannabis for Migraine Relief Medicann
Cannabis to Treat Migraine Headaches Dr. Ethan Russo
More Information Dr. Ethan Russo

The reason why Cannabis prevents migraine headaches is simple. Cannabis regulates the regular flow of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, preventing this condition from occurring to start with. Another reason why Cannabis works so well is, Cannabis dilates blood vessels allowing for better blood flow. A good example of this, is the effect Cannabis has on people with MS. migraine headaches like MS, are a vascular (blood flow) problem with one's body.

Up to the 1930s Cannabis was used to treat everything from menstrual cramps to cancer and migraine headaches. For 75 years Cannabis was the primary treatment used to prevent migraines in North America. Not one person reported any side effects, if you call feeling better and sleepy, a side effect. The best thing to do when you have a migraine is to sleep it off if possible. Treating an active migraine is still possible by smoking Cannabis, however most folks prefer to prevent the headaches all together. Migraine headaches can also be prevented by using CBD CBD capsules or flower, whatever works for you. Cannabis stays in your system for 28 days after the last time it was smoked or eaten. You do not have to smoke Cannabis every day to get the medicinal benefits and this is why many consider Cannabis a preventive medicine.This simple fact is why you can prevent migraine headaches with Cannabis. 

At the age of 17, five years later after trying several medications to treat my disorder, I visited a naturopathic doctor. My intent was to find a better way to relive the pain without all of the side effects of chemical drugs. To my surprise the doctor told me to throw all my pills in the toilet and smoke Cannabis. At this point I was willing to try anything even if it was illegal. The frequency and intensity of the Migraines were dramatically reduced and eventually I stopped getting them all together. That was 28 years ago and its a shame that Cannabis is still demonized by those who refuse to understand.

Medical Marijuana critics often argue that Cannabis is simply a narcotic drug that people want to see legalized and cannot grasp the concept that Cannabis can treat all sorts of common and non-common aliments. There are many myths surrounding Cannabis I often get a blank look when talking to doctors about Cannabis and how much it has helped me over the years. I think people have a general view that Cannabis is alchemy and that we are in the age of science and chemicals. It was the oil industry that started the chemical drug business and we have both those industries to thank for Cannabis prohibition. Cannabis was removed from the U.S. Pharmacopoeia in the 1930s not because it was harmful. It was removed because it was know to be a therapeutic substance, Even in the 1930s people knew that Cannabis wasn't addictive and not many bad effects were reported about the drug. Useful substances are banned and harmful ones like alcohol and tobacco are legal. Canada was the first country to legalize Cannabis for medical use. Uruguay was the first country to legalize Cannabis for medical and recreational use at the same time. Canada will be the second country in the world to fully legalize Cannabis. It will be nice when Mexico legalizes Cannabis, that way the U.S. will be surrounded by legal pot! In the future I hope my beloved Canada will lead the way for the use of other holistic drugs that are also non-toxic and not deadly.   


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