Monday, June 30, 2014

Nationalizing Medical Marijuana

Nationalizing Medical Marijuana is just another control method the Government controls you by ignoring the scientific data and taking away your Constitutional rights. The Conservative Government is taking away your right to cultivate the most useful plant on the planet. The Conservative party stopped all legal grow-ops in April of 2014, under the guise of eliminating crime associated with illegal grow-ops. CONTROL is the word of the day and always is. Legal and illegal Cannabis growers don't have guns to shoot the police, they have guns to protect themselves from the crime that Cannabis prohibition has created. Said another way...Legal and illegal Cannabis growers have different methods of security to protect themselves from those who may use fire arms to rob them. 

Is Nationalizing Medical Marijuana a step in the right direction? Will recreational Cannabis be nationalized as well? If the answer is no then there will always be an illegal Cannabis trade for which there will always be crime. If money is an issue, then Medical Marijuana patients will go to the illegal drug trade as an alternative. This flaw in the system will allow illegal Cannabis producers to cash in by selling Cannabis cheaper than the Canadian Government. If our Canadian Conservative Government is Nationalizing Medical Marijuana because of its perceived potential for harm, then why on earth wouldn’t the government ban the use of tobacco and alcohol when asbestos was banned in 1979? All are known carcinogens so why leave tobacco and alcohol legal substances when both kill so many people every year? The reason for this is because you don’t have a choice to breath in asbestos fibers, where consuming alcohol and tobacco are a choice. If I have the choice of what way I would like to get cancer, why can't I choose the way I want to prevent it? Why on earth don’t I have the legal choice to consume Cannabis as a recreational substance when it prevents cancer? 

In actuality our government does the opposite of what is needed. Here is an example: Cannabis is under schedule II in The Canadian Drug Schedule, and LSD is in schedule III. This means that LSD has more medicinal usages than Cannabis. In the US Cannabis is under schedule I, meaning Cannabis is as dangerous cocaine, heroin ETC. Why prescribe Cannabis to a cancer patient if it is so dangerous and causes cancer? What are we stupid? I asked my family doctor this very question. He responded “the reason why Cannabis is prescribed is because of short term grain versus long term exposure to the substance”. I don’t know about you, but if you have any type of cancer you’re in it for the long haul. No my friend the War on Drugs is control of useful substances like Cannabis. Cannabis is just one piece of the big picture, of government deception. In 2018 all of this will change, when Cannabis will be legal across Canada. Way to go Justin Trudeau. ☺

When the Conservative Government Nationalized Medical Marijuana, they are acknowledging that Cannabis has therapeutic value, so why is it still in Schedule II ? And if Cannabis can prevent and cure cancer why can't healthy people use it? Should we only have pity on those who are terminally ill? Can you even imagine the billions of dollars that would be saved every year, if we started using Cannabis oil to treat cancer (any form) instead of VERY expensive chemo and radiation therapy. Well one person did exactly that. His name is Rick Simpson. For those who do not know, Rick Simpson is a pioneer when it comes to curing cancer with Cannabis oil. Rick has his own very successful website called Rick made his Cannabis oil public to share his knowledge. Rick even called the Canadian Cancer Institute to tell them of his success. Of course they did not take Rick seriously. Rick gave his oil away at little or no cost. For Rick’s efforts, he has to live in another country or face jail time in Canada. Rick has not lived in Canada since 2013. See this is what our government does to people like Rick Simpson and Marc Emery. We are slowly being Americanized. Do you ever wonder why the colours of the Conservative Government are red white and blue?

The Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs said in 2002. “In our opinion, Canadian society is ready for a responsible policy on Cannabis...the continued prohibition of Cannabis jeopardizes the health and well-being of Canadians much more than does the substance itself. Cannabis presents almost no toxicity and cannot lead to an overdose.” The Committee also said “ Marijuana is not a gateway drug and should be treated like tobacco or alcohol than like hard drugs.” More info: Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy

Here’s what your Conservative Government says about Cannabis today.
”Marijuana, whether you are talking about the effects, the toxicity in terms of the human body are incredible. To legalize a substance that is incredibly toxic and is going to create a huge impact on our health-care system cost doesn’t really make sense.”  Cathy McLeod – Conservative Party – Thompson-Cariboo-Shuswap, BC

Why on earth would the Conservative government’s stance on Cannabis differ so dramatically since 2002? They are the political party that is Nationalizing Medical Marijuana in the first place. The only answer to this question is the money that is being made by Nationalizing Medical Marijuana and not decisions based on intelligence. If its so dangerous as Cathy McLeod seems to think, why Nationalize Medical Marijuana to start with? Seems to me that Cannabis is illegal in Canada for recreational uses, because of political agendas and not what the majority of Canadian citizens have demanded and science has told us. The majority of the North American people want Cannabis decriminalized. Since 2002, science has only fortified the fact that Cannabis is non-toxic and very helpful for every bodily function. The Conservative Government is loosening up possession charges up to an ounce of dried Cannabis, and at the same time making illegal cultivation penalties stiffer. One month in jail for every plant you grow.

Access to the Medical Marijuana System
In 2013 it was impossible to find a doctor that supports Medical Marijuana. It took me 3 years to convenience my own family doctor at the time, that Cannabis prevented migraine headaches and that Cannabis can be used for a variety of illnesses. My family doctor would not sign my exemption card papers even though Health Canada provides a disclaimer form for the doctor to sign. I think doctors are scared of being sued and losing their license. The main reason for this is the perception that Cannabis can cause lung cancer. It is true that Cannabis has the ability to cause lung cancer however, so is sitting in front of a camp fire. Any combustible substance that results in a carbon molecule has the ability to cause cancer. Cannabis smokers have a one fold less chance of getting lung cancer than people that do not smoke tobacco or Cannabis. Cannabis is doing what it is intended to do as an anti-cancer medicine. Unless recreational Cannabis use is nationalized as well, then this whole system is as useful as the gun registry!!!!!!! Canadians will remember what a huge waste of money that was. 

The Canadian Constitution grants me the right as a Canadian Citizen to use whatever medicine best suits my needs. No where in the Canadian Constitution does it exclude Cannabis or say that I have to pay for the right. I don’t have to pay to use morphine if I need it. Why should I have to pay for the privilege to use Cannabis? My Constitutional rights to use Cannabis supersedes the Cannabis laws!!! This is the very reason why you don’t have to obey the Cannabis prohibition laws to start with. The Canadian Government counts on its citizens being ignorant to this fact and throws you in jail. In actuality it is the Canadian Government that is breaking the law by enforcing Cannabis laws and prohibiting people from using a useful substance. Seems to me that Health Canada should make it free for anyone to get an exemption card (prescription) since the system is fundamentally flawed to start with. 

Essentially Cannabis laws should not be enforced. The North American people have given their government 35 years to fix a problem that never existed. There never was a big enough problem with Cannabis in the first place to warrant making it illegal. In 1937 the U.S. government outlawed all forms of Cannabis/Hemp and branded it Marijuana. Why not use its scientific name (Cannabis)? My spin on this is: the name Marijuana was intentionally used by the US DEA because (Can)nabis sounded too positive. A little know fact: Marijuana has nothing to do with Cannabis. Marijuana is a tobacco smoked by Mexicans. The U.S. government used scare tactics and it started with how they branded their new war. So the people would demand to be protected against the new killer weed.

While Cannabis remains illegal in Canada for recreation use, countries like Uruguay took the right approach and legalized it. Cannabis in Uruguay is now considered “a farm-to-table state business” This approach is exactly what the North American people have been asking for. Way to go Uruguay!!! ☺

Marijuana should not be compared to another substance and its perceived potential for harm. We should focus on the positive effects, since science tells us that Cannabis does not affect the brain and all organs in a negative way. Most people are brain washed into believing that every drug, whether legal or illegal has side effects, where Cannabis’s high is a side effect. Maranol which is a synthetic THC is very much legal to use and has the exact same “side effects” (high) as Cannabis. People have died using synthetic THC (Maranol) and its legal. No one has died (ever) smoking Cannabis and it's illegal!!!!!  it's almost like they want to kill us on purpose. Have you ever heard this saying: “you can be addicted to drugs, just as long as they are our drugs!”

Cannabis is indeed the most widely used illegal drug. However this is mainly because it is the safest non-addictive illegal drug to use, and it is healthy for you at the same time. Cannabis is safer to use than drinking coffee. What this all of this boils down to is Cannabis works too well as a medicine. The only reason for nationalized Medical Marijuana is so the government can now capitalize on the revenue that will be generated from over-priced government controlled Cannabis. If it is legal for the government to grow it, why the heck cant I grow it myself?

Here is another flaw in the system. Cannabis seeds are and have been legal to purchase in Canada for a long time now. The reason why Cannabis seeds are legal is because they do not contain high levels of THC. THC is the substance that makes Cannabis illegal. Cannabis seeds are legal to purchase, however growing and cultivating the plant is illegal. What does the Canadian Government expect us to do with the them? No your going to grow the plant of course. I cannot stop mother nature from producing THC in a Cannabis plant. You can legally grow Papaver somniferum,  (The opium poppy) in your garden. The flowers are considered ornamental even though you could produce a small amount of opium from it. The Canadian Government is telling us, it is ok to grow a plant that can potentially kill you, just as long as you don’t grow a Cannabis plant that can save your lifeI am sure you see what I'm getting at here... 
The Canadian Government is essentially creating criminals by allowing us to purchase Cannabis seeds legally. This is just another example of why the Cannabis laws should not be obeyed.

Please keep in mind that the reason for pushing forth and out right legalizing Cannabis is the struggle for truth, freedom and has little to do with getting high. I believe in people like scientists, molecular biologists that are 100 times smarter than myself. Look at the facts, educate yourself, and let simple logic guide your beliefs.

FAST FORWARD ...........4 years 2017
WOW what a change 4 years has made. I didn't think this day would come. Thank you Justin Trudeau!!!! You got to admit that Mr. Trudeau is the coolest Prime Minister in Canadian history. He's doing what other prime ministers wouldn't touch, and he's doing it for all the right reasons.

Today it's different, you don't have to find a doctor because clinics are opening up all across Canada that provide access to a doctor that supports the Medical Marijuana program. The best part is you don't have to pay for the right to use Cannabis as a medicine. All you need is a referral from your family doctor or drop into one of the clinics. The whole idea of nationalizing Medical Marijuana is safe access for patients. What could be safer than growing your own medicine? Today patients are allowed to do just that. Under the new Medical Marijuana laws, patients are allowed to grow a limited amount of plants. How many can we grow? You will have to wait for a definite answer sometime in the spring 2018.

Recently I had to show my exemption card (from the producer) to a police officer. The discussion about me smoking pot lasted about 30 seconds. "A badge of freedom" are the words that come to mind when I think about this situation. All the years of hunting for a doctor and faxing documentation paid off.

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