Friday, September 20, 2013

Consuming Raw Cannabis

I've eaten raw Cannabis flowers and leaves for years and didn’t know they were good for me. The smaller leaves around the flowers are slightly sweet, but they get caught at the back of your tongue LOL!  That is because the leaves have little barbs on them and have a rough texture. The larger leaves not so nice to chew on either. I kept munching on them regardless. Funny thing is, my dog liked eating them as well. Maybe my dog somehow knew consuming raw Cannabis was good for her as I knew it was good for me. For those animal lovers out there, no harm was caused to the dog. I stopped letting her eat the leaves, thinking they might be bad for her, like how onions are bad for dogs.

The health benefits of consuming raw Cannabis and juice are: non-psychoactive, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, and anticancer. It is particularly effective when treating breast cancer. What an amazing plant and it happens to be the most non-toxic one as well !!! Consuming raw Cannabis has great nutritional value and is: well balanced with all essential fatty acids, amino acids and Cannabinoid acids. Since Cannabis juice is very harsh tasting, it is usually combined with vegetable and or fruit juice and can even be mixed into a smoothy.

One of the drawl backs to juicing raw Cannabis is: Few people can afford to keep a garden full of plants to juice every day. It takes a lots of Cannabis leaves to make a small amount of juice. Also, the juice only takes a few days to spoil, as it turns from a emerald green to brown. None the less, this new way of using nature's most useful plant, opens up new avenues of treating common illnesses with herbal remedies...when main stream media catches up.

How Cannabinoids work
Cannabinoids are the active substances that produce Cannabis’s medicinal effects. Cannabis contains 60+ Cannabinoids. THC and CBD are the two most potent
Cannabis is curing my cancer...
Cannabinoids THC is psychoactive and CBD is non-psychoactive. Think of each Cannabinoid as a separate link in a chain. The chain completes a circle. If one of the links are removed from the chain, then the circuit is broken and the medicinal effect is lost. All of the Cannabinoids (links) have to be present in the drug to produce the desired affects. This is the main reason why pharmaceutical companies have a hard time trying to isolate certain properties of the plant to make medicine out of just doesn’t work. Cannabis in its natural form works the best. Raw Cannabis is very different than dried Cannabis. THC and CBD are THCa (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) and CBDa (cannabidiolic acid). Neither THCa or CBDa are psychoactive, meaning there is no high associated with the plant. It is only until the flowers are dried and or heated, that these two components turn into THC and CBD. 

Raw Cannabis is very useful for people who want Cannabis’s medicinal effects but don’t want the high associated with the plant. When consuming raw Cannabis you get many more times the medicinal affects than dried Cannabis. Smoked Cannabis you get 10% medicinal value. Eating dried Cannabis you get 60% the medicinal value. Eating raw Cannabis you get 600 times the medicinal value.

 The Power of Raw CannabisCannabis does not discriminate
Of the over 200 cell types in our bodies that we have, Cannabis will destroy any unhealthy type. We shed skin cells internally and externally. A good example of how Cannabis sheds unhealthy skin cells is: Cannabis and Hemp oil. Both are the best moisturizers on the planet. Cannabis oil does something that no other moisturizers do. Cannabis oil heals the underlying skin and sheds dead and or dying skin cells. This natural bodily effect is called Apoptosis, where the cells are programmed to die. If a cell is passed its "expiry date" and tries to save it's self, cancer might result. When treating cancer with CBD Cannabis oil, the cancer tumor isn't shrinking, the cancer cells are dying off naturally. Cancer is not a disease. Cancer is a deficiency of the Endocannabinoid system. Our body produces Endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids naturally fights off diseases and kills bad cells every day. The Cannabinoids in Cannabis are very similar to the Endocannabinoids your body already produce. By consuming Cannabis you are giving you body the ability to do something that it already does, just better.  

As we age, our metabolism slows down naturally. Our eyesight gets weaker, our mobilization slows down. Our memory isn't as sharp as it once was. It's no wonder why so many people are effected by age related illnesses. Cannabis and Hemp are an all natural way, for your body to restore it's harmony and slow down the aging process. 

It's very interesting to note that: THC is what makes Cannabis illegal. If it was not for this one simple fact, then Hemp would be illegal as well. CBD is not illegal and can be purchased at any health food store. Hemp contains <3 % THC, at these very low levels, THC will not have any noticeable psychoactive (high) effect on any person. Since raw Cannabis has no THC, instead it contains THCa, Cannabis should be considered as a medicine and food supplement just like Hemp

I wonder if my dog would have been alive today if I kept letting her eat raw Cannabis leaves. She suffered from seizures and were sometimes severe. After knowing what I know now about Cannabis...should I have kept letting her eat the leaves?. Makes you wonder how many people could have been saved if…

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